
Google Business Verification Guide

The King of Marketing has created a simple guide to getting your Google Business Profile verified.
Please follow the steps below to verify your account:


2. Login to the Google (Gmail) email address connected to the Google Business Profile.
3. When redirected to your Google Business Profile, click the blue verification button.
4. Google will want you to record a video through their software to verify you are a legitimate business. You must select business video and click next.
5. The video must be one video showing what Google request. You must hold down the button for the entire video. Many clients get a way with simply showing a business card, equipment, and that they can open their truck or vehicle in a single video. What Google is looking for in the verification video is the following:
6. After the video is recorded, please submit the video and notify The King of Marketing that video was submitted.
Please choose from the options below to notify a representative: