
Facebook Ad Campaign Management Terms of Service

Operating Names

All business and transactions conducted with or by The King of Marketing, TheKingofMarketing.com, any The King of Marketing social media platforms, and any other The King of Marketing assets, outlets, communications, or platforms will be done through The King of Marketing, LLC.

Payment Agreement

A setup fee for managing a Facebook Ad campaign(s) will vary and be determined by a mutual agreement between The King of Marketing and the client. The service fee for managing a Facebook Ad Campaign will vary and be determined by a mutual agreement between The King of Marketing and the client. However, the client will have the option to determine their own Ad Budget. The management fee and the Ad Budget are non-refundable once the payment is made to The King of Marketing The service fee and the Ad Budget must be paid in full before any services start, in order for the Facebook Ad Campaign to begin. The client can potentially have their payments on auto renew if authorized by a The King of Marketing representative. The payment methods accepted will be determined by The King of Marketing. 

Services Provided

The King of Marketing will offer the following services to the client once the management fee and Ad Budget have been paid: 

  • Initial setup of the Facebook Ad campaign(s) and its sub categories: Facebook Ad Set(s) and Facebook Ad(s).
  • One to four custom designed Facebook Ad graphics.
  • Custom ad copy or text.
  • Applying & managing the Ad Budget.
  • Monthly monitoring and adjustments to the Facebook Ad Campaign(s), Ad Set(s), or Facebook Ad(s).
  • One monthly report of the Facebook Ad campaign(s) per month (If requested).
  • One monthly adjustment to the Facebook Ad campaign(s) per month (If requested).

All the services mentioned in the Services Provided section and their definitions will be determined by The King of Marketing. The King of Marketing is allowed to not supply any service if determined as unnecessary. 

Length of Service

The length of service (months) for managing a Facebook Ad Campaign will be determined by a mutual agreement between a The King of Marketing representative and the client. The minimum length of managing a Facebook Ad Campaign is one month (28-31 days). The services will begin the day all of the required payments are made and end 30 days afterward, unless the length of service surpasses one month. If the length of service surpasses one month, the services will begin the day that all of the required payments are made and end on the 28th of the last month. If the client pays for multiple months of service, then the service will be continuous from month to month. The client will not be able to skip months and/or stop and start on certain months. 

Project Changes & Additions

Once the Facebook Ad Campaign has started, the client cannot change the paid service fee and/or Ad Budget.

Client Information Request

The client will be responsible for supplying all the images, testimonials, product descriptions, prices, services, contact information, and any other images or text requested by The King of Marketing.


This contract is in effect as soon as the payments throughout the agreed upon length of service are completed. The client or a The King of Marketing representative can cancel this agreement at any time. 

Privacy & Security

The King of Marketing agrees to not reveal any sensitive or private information obtained while managing a Facebook Ad Campaign. The King of Marketing agrees not to share any usernames, passwords, codes, or any other private login credentials regarding the client. 

Topic Limitations

The King of Marketing refuses to engage in any topics regarding religious beliefs, political views, pornography/adult topics, sexual orientation, ethnicity & race, or any other topic The King of Marketing wishes to avoid.


The King of Marketing and its representatives will attempt to use their best judgment in regards to engaging with people, businesses, or other entities on the clients behalf. The King of Marketing is not held liable for anything seen as negative toward the client while providing Facebook Ad Campaign services. People, businesses, and other entities are unpredictable and The King of Marketing will not be held liable for their feedback, responses, engagement, or anything seen as negative toward the client. The King of Marketing is not liable for the number of leads and cannot guarantee the number of leads the client receives from the Facebook Ad Campaign. The King of Marketing is not liable for and cannot guarantee the number of people that like, comment, share, click on, respond or react to the client’s Facebook Ad Campaign. The King of Marketing is not responsible for creating the client’s Facebook account or business page in order to run the Facebook Ad Campaign. The King of Marketing is not responsible for responding to potential leads or customers on the client’s behalf; all leads generated from the Facebook Ad Campaign will be the client’s responsibility to respond to. The King of Marketing is allowed to change and/or alter the information within this entire “Facebook Ad Campaign Terms of Service” at any time or for any reason.

Marketing Materials Removal

Any marketing materials such as posts, ads, photos, graphics, logos or any other assets, tools, or services supplied by The King of Marketing will be deleted if the client chooses not to renew the Facebook Ad Campaign service even if these marketing materials are on their own Facebook page or property. 

TOS Alerations

The King of Marketing is able to alter the Facebook Ad Campaign Terms of Service at any time.

Final Statements

Once The King of Marketing receives the management fee and the Ad Budget from the client, the client agrees to the statements made in this “Facebook Ad Campaign Management Terms of Service” and are in effect immediately.