
The King of Marketing

The King of Marketing is a Christian company that provides full-service digital marketing, web design, website design, SEO, Search Engine Optimization, social media management, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, lead generation, services throughout the United States and Canada.

#1 Full-Service Marketing Agency in America!

- Generate Leads

- Increase Sales

- Digital Marketing

- Website Design & SEO

- Graphic & Logo Design

- Yard Signs & Print

- & Much More!

America's Trusted Full-Service Marketing & Web Design Agency

Our digital marketing services actually add value to your business by generating high quality leads that can be converted into sales!
“Came in touch with this company from a friend who was working with them. Let me tell you they have brought my small company to the next level. Just in the 2 week trial started to get tons of jobs. So much so, I didn’t know if I’d be able to do them all. The owner calls and messages and it feels like family more then a marketing company. Would absolutely recommend this to anyone looking to boost their company. Thank you…”
– Hometown Land Solutions
“Highly recommend Phillip! I told him “whatever you’re doing, keep doing it don’t stop” my phone hasn’t stopped ringing from people needing work done. I will definitely be using Phillip again.”
– Ridge Caretaking
“I can’t say enough.. They have helped me and small business grow. Professional with reasonable pricing.”
– Copper Top Construction
“An excellent partner to have. They have been instrumental in our business expansion. We would not have the online presence we have today without their help.”
– Albryant Services

What is The King of Marketing's Focus?

Generate Quality Leads & Increase Sales For Our Clients!

The King of Marketing Web Design

The King of Marketing SEO

The King of Marketing Digital Ads

The King of Marketing Website Design

The King of Marketing Facebook Ads

The King of Marketing Google Ads

The King of Marketing is a full-service digital marketing agency with its services built around the focus of generating our clients more revenue. A variety of marketing agencies focus on clicks, impressions, and many other things not keeping the main focus for businesses in mind of generating leads & increasing sales.
The King of Marketing is built with the clients goals in mind, building all of our services around the marketing strategy of lead generation.
To learn more about our services, please check out the following items below.

Web Design

Need a website? We provide full-service web design options to fit all of our clients needs. From informational website to ecommerce and bookings, we have you covered!

Digital Marketing

Looking for a full-service digital marketing solution that generates leads? Look no further! We provide of variety of digital marketing solutions to fit all of our clients needs.

Local SEO

Not showing up on Google? Our Local SEO options can help you pop-up on Google to generate leads and increase sales. A valuable service for the short-term and long-term of your business.

Graphic Design

We provide a wide range of graphic design services to fit our clients needs. From a logo to billboards, we provide graphic design services for most projects.

Social Media Management

Looking to grow your social media and keep it up to date? We provide full-service social media management options to expand your audience and help generate leads.

Print Service

Looking to bring print into the marketing equation? We provide a variety of print options for our clients from business cards to yard signs, providing some of the best pricing in the industry.

Didn't See What You're Looking For? Wait!

The King of Marketing provides a variety of digital marketing services. To learn more about all of our services, please click the button below.

What Makes The King of Marketing Different?

The owners of The King of Marketing have tried and tested a variety of different marketing methods and strategies that are both digital and physical, but all built around generating leads and increasing sales.
Our goal is to generate your business high quality leads that can be converted into sales, no matter the method. Some businesses require marketing strategies that are common and effective. While other businesses require a different approach to be able to reach a specific customer.
The King of Marketing has extensive experience marketing a variety of different industries throughout the United States and Canada, learning what marketing methods and strategies work for each type of business.
Simply put, we are unique in our approach because all of our marketing is tailored toward your specific industry and business needs, with all of our services focusing on generating leads for our clients.
A happy The King of Marketing customer taking a phone call from receiving a new lead

What Does The King of Marketing Do To Generate Leads?

The King of Marketing provides a wide range of services to generate our clients leads, even in tough niches such as land clearing and excavation. In fact, we are known to be the biggest land clearing and excavation marketing company in the world with 100+ clients in that industry alone!
We use traditional digital marketing methods such as Google Ads, Website & SEO, Facebook Ads, Social Media Management, & other services!
However, we also provide uncommon services compared to most digital marketing agencies. These unique services include things such as yard signs, craigslist marketing, truck magnets, and direct mail marketing (mailers). Whatever we think will make the phone ring, we’ll consider!
Our digital marketing services are the best in the industry, but sometimes uncommon or even old school methods are still the best for picking up clients. To learn more about The King of Marketing, our services, or to request a quote, please click the button below!

Get A Free The King of Marketing Strategy!

The King of Marketing wants all of our clients to be successful, but some don’t even know where to start. Good news! We have the solution!
Click the button below to claim a free marketing strategy for your business! We will show you what we recommend doing based off your budget, company size, years of business, and various other factors.

The King of Marketing Projects

The King of Marketing provides quality services, no matter the project.
Checkout some of our completed projects through the following information:
a website created by The King of Marketing

Website Portfolio

The King of Marketing is known for supplying quality website design services, along with fast turnaround times. We can build simple informational websites, along with more advanced projects such as ecommerce websites. To see some of the website completed by The King of Marketing, please click the button below.
logos and graphics created by The King of Marketing

Graphic Design Portfolio

Looking for professional graphic design services? Look no further! The King of Marketing provides a variety of design services, taking on small to large project. To see some graphics completed by The King of Marketing, please click the button below.
a The King of Marketing employee working on a computer to supply superior marketing services

Why Choose The King of Marketing?

The King of Marketing is a Christian based company that strives to serve our clients with quality marketing services and authentic customer service.
Our company is built around Biblical principles and work ethics such as Colossians 3:23-24, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
We desire to work hard for our clients, delivering quality products and unmatched customer service.
If you are looking to having a marketing company in your corner that delivers quality services, supplies excellent customer service, and focuses their efforts on increasing your sales, you’re at the right place!
To learn more about our company, our services, or to request a quote, please click the button below!

Request A Free Consultation

Thank you for considering The King of Marketing, “America’s Marketing Company”, for your upcoming project.
We go above the standard for all of our clients, truly caring and encouraging their success.
To contact a marketing company like no other, please choose from one of the following options below.

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